Archive for August, 2010

Concrete5 in the house

Monday, August 30th, 2010

I finalized all major tasks involved in migrating to concrete5. This here marks the end of my attempt to migrate to joomla. I have to say that out of all the CMS’s I tested, concrete5 seems the most easy and yet feature sufficient (as in core level) targeting the needs of my site. It is such that I might be able to migrate my gallery from gallery2 to concrete5 which if happens will mean that I will migrate all my sites to concrete5, including my web directory. And, excluding this blog of course which will remain on wordpress 😛
I like to keep things unified but I am yet to nail things down security wise. Joomla add-ons were always full of security issues which is why I kind of hated joomla. I don’t think there was one week without a security notice being circulated on the internet. Now with concrete5 … well, the userbase is small which in turn makes the CMS itself not be targeted so much so there may be issues and they may be found much later than in case of joomla. That’s a risk I’ll have to take.
But, as mentioned, it’s core provides almost all the functionality I needed which means that there will be few 3rd party stuff that are usually the ones prone to security issues.

Well, that;s enough for now, I have to get back to RTFM-ing on the concrete5 advanced security settings.

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PHP Warning: Module ‘apc’ already loaded in Unknown on line 0

Sunday, August 29th, 2010

After making some upgrades, including for php, I started getting these warnings in the apache logs

PHP Warning: Module 'apc' already loaded in Unknown on line 0

Warning: Module 'apc' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP 5.2.13 (cli) (built: Jun 2 2010 16:24:43)
Copyright (c) 1997-2010 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Zend Technologies
with the ionCube PHP Loader v3.3.10, Copyright (c) 2002-2009, by ionCube Ltd.

Turns out the upgrade added a php.d directory containing a apc.ini that also loaded the apc module.
So commenting out the extension loading in php.ini made the warning go away.

I also had to manually recompile some php module (specifically the ffmpeg one) and other were automatically updated by yum (but not until I added the REMI repository

Obviously google didn’t help at all and I just had to manually dig for the issue and it was by sheer chance that I noticed the new php.d directory. so hopefully this post will change that for others 🙂

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Some improvement on forum

Saturday, August 21st, 2010

I started getting some stupid spam bots registering and after a few days spamming the forum, so I installed a few packages to deal with the issue, including the Akismet one. Hopefully this will put a stop on the spam on forum-side.

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Server HW Upgrade

Saturday, August 21st, 2010

I just managed (time-wise) to install the 2GB RAM (4 x 512) I bought for my server, replacing the 512MB (4 x 128) that was there, and also replacing the bios battery as it was dead.
First impressions after a few hours of running: superb. My server’s load memory wise is 900MB ram used and none swap. MySql reports a 43% memory usage from it’s admin gui, compared to 98% before, it’s a pretty good improvement I say.

Well, it’s time to get back to the software upgrade as well 😀

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PHP 5.2 on centos

Thursday, August 19th, 2010

I am trying out concrete5, CMS platform, in order to move from joomla to it. It appears it is more suited for my needs than joomla. Not to mention, easier to maintain, but we’ll see about that in a few months.
Anyway, my point now is that since my server is a LAMP for some time now, and centos comes with php 5.1 and concrete needed 5.2 for time zones, I had to dig a little to make yum upgrade php 5o 5.2 and here’s how:

Next step, concrete 🙂

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