Posts Tagged ‘fighting spam’

I am being attacked with email spam

Saturday, July 11th, 2009

As I wrote the other day, some idiots figured they would attack my server by using bounces from otehr flawed email servers which have incompetent sysadmins.
I have a bunch of scripts fighting spam at various levels. The script I wrote the day before yesterday is targeting exactly these bounces that are not picked up by the spam filter.
Since I wrote the script, it has rejected almost 150 bounces that passed the spam filter and less than 20 have made it through in my inbox (and obviously I have tweaked the script into dropping most of those too).

But this is nothing. About 2 days ago when this attack has begun I added some rules in my spam filter and since then my spam filter has blocked 6015 spam messages out of which most are from this attack. 6000.

The next step will probably be to block the originating servers. With iptables. But first I have to make sure I’m not bloking 1000 email servers but only a a very few, like 3-5.

Sayonara idiots.

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Anti Spam-Bounce

Friday, July 10th, 2009

I have written a small script as an XMail filter that rejects bounces I get due to spam, rejecting them with a descriptive message basically telling those sysadmins to setup their email servers properly.
In the past 12 hours my server has successfully rejected 57 such bounces.
And this is only the beginning. This filter I wrote basically makes sure, where possible (!!!), that the bounce is actually in a reply to an email sent by my server. Most bounces contain the headers of the original email and spammers forge a lot of data there but some of them just cannot be forged. Like for example wher ethe email is actually comming from.
So, any email bounce that contains those headers are being validated as being generated by an email from my server.

The second step will be to reject ALL bounces that do not contain these headers. If those sysadmins are so idiot to bounce everything, they could at least send us the headers as well. A bounce without headers is of no use to a sysadmin. Sure, it helps a user in case of a valid bounce but that’s about it. I need the headers, otherwise I don’t need your bounce.

Related posts bouncing spam

Thursday, July 9th, 2009

How idiot of an admin can you be to not be able to configure your freaking email server NOT to bounce spam? Seriously now, WHY_TF do you bounce spam back at me if I didn’t send it?
If you idiot ever read this page, take a look here:
and then go shoot yourself. I’ve got like over 50 spam messages bounced to me the other night and those were the ones I didn’t manage to filter out. Because I was like on the clock with these fucking spammers writing email filters rules to block the stupid spam.
And since I know how a legitimate bounce message looks like, I will spend some time to write a new filter that will reject with some not so nice words these spam bounces.
God damn motherfucking spammers. I would love to skin them alive, one by one and the put salt all over their skinless bodies, eventual puring acid on them as well. You hear me? Rott in hell!

Microsoft baouncing spam

Microsoft baouncing spam

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Automatically banning email addresses

Sunday, June 21st, 2009

Starting with today, a filter is running on my mail server which will automatically ban every bouncing email address.

The ban only has effect on the webdirectory for now, like the filter will automatically delete all submissions associated with the banned email address.

Soon, I will write another script to be run automatically on a cron job that will ping all the email addresses currently in the web directory to validate all the addresses. I will also add a validation to the submission form so that banned emails will no longer be able to submit.

Considering the amount of bouncing emails I used to receive daily, this should reduce the amount of most-probably-invalid submissions in the web directory.

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Introducing a new way of fighting spam

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

As you can read on the main page of my new (and not yet working) service, , I started a new battle in my war against spam.
I expect the system to be live in a few weeks, before the end of the month.

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Spamming idiots

Thursday, March 5th, 2009

I started to receive some idiotic spam messages on the forum email address asking me to conact some partially random MSN ID.
So, like any good programmer out there, I made a small filter for my email server basically replying with something like "f**k off" whenever such a message arrived. It took 3 messages after I put up the filter for the idiot to stop sending them 😀
I am now applying the same idea to another spamming idiot who says set up some webpage for me. haha.
Next in line are the cialis/viagra idiots.

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Just added email banning to my phpld web directory

Friday, October 26th, 2007

There was this guy/girl that kept submitting entries using a * email address which always bounced back with a user unkown (the actual email address behind those addresses).
And per my rules, every submission that bounces back emails is rejected.
So, since I got tired of rejecting this ones submisisons, not mentionging that I have palced a message on the submission page stating that there is a problem with that email address (but they were probably using some atuomated tool), I spent more than 1 hour to write an email banning function/validator and now it works like a charm.

and now .. I can rest nicely 🙂

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Antispam finally up and running

Sunday, August 26th, 2007

Today I have finished writing and configuring my antispam filters. I can say that compared to previous days, very little spam gets through.
a combination of spamassassin and a filter a wrote.

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The power of content spam, or how to foul search engines

Tuesday, June 12th, 2007

So, as you already know, I am for some time operating a web directory, . I was given a lot of chanses to see the "ideas" on how to get around search engine filters. one of them is using sites with fake, but apaprently real, content. In order to find such sites, when you are not experienced, you need to click aropund a lot of links that go to apparently relevant content until you stumble across a page like this one: 😆lorem ipsum contentlorem ipsum contentlorem ipsum contentlorem ipsum content

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