Delphi service debugging

I’ve literally spent over 3 hours trying to egt a delphi 5 service debugged. I tried all mentioned stuff with process attaching, registry stuff, etc, nothing worked. then I bumped into this post from wilson:

that didn’t work out of the box eitehr because I’ve got an access violation on the line

while not Terminated do
  ServiceThread.ProcessRequests(True);// wait for termination

but I replaced that block of code with

if FindCmdLineSwitch('debug', ['/','-'], true) then
  while not Terminated do
  while not Terminated do
    ServiceThread.ProcessRequests(True);// wait for termination

and I can now debug my service just fine.

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2 Responses to “Delphi service debugging”

  1. Gail Honeyman says:

    What an excellent blog, I’ve added your feed to my RSS reader. 🙂

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