I think we all know by now how a big resource hog every single application today is.
I’ve been ranting for a while on browser memory hogs. All major of them. This are still unchanged. My FF currently eats up 2 GB of memory.
Here’s another fine programming example:
I was installing flash player 11.1, upgrade. However, the idiot started after my browser with about 100 tabs opened. So I left it running for the day in order to not forget to update at the end of the day.
And at the end of the day, I don’t remember why, I checked the task manager and surprise surprise: the upgrade program used 2 hours of CPU time, 300 MB of memory and 2.131.894 handles open…. over 2 million open handles.
Are you guys nuts?
Do none of you understand that system resource ARE FINITE and LIMITED?