Archive for June, 2007

The power of content spam, or how to foul search engines

Tuesday, June 12th, 2007

So, as you already know, I am for some time operating a web directory, . I was given a lot of chanses to see the "ideas" on how to get around search engine filters. one of them is using sites with fake, but apaprently real, content. In order to find such sites, when you are not experienced, you need to click aropund a lot of links that go to apparently relevant content until you stumble across a page like this one: 😆lorem ipsum contentlorem ipsum contentlorem ipsum contentlorem ipsum content

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Undernet admins having a little fun

Tuesday, June 12th, 2007

March 3, 2007, around 2:27 am gmt+2I am XI am XI am XI am X

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Google ads bug [FUNNY]

Tuesday, June 12th, 2007

Nobody is perfect and google of course has it’s own problems 🙂
So there I was, reading on a thread about something when I noticed the contextual google adds (for romanian, on a romanian forum) which contained a japaneze site with probably japaneze content 😆context adds gone wildcontext adds gone wildcontext adds gone wildcontext adds gone wild

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VMWare error [FUNNY]

Tuesday, June 12th, 2007

Somewhere in February I was working on my final year project, which among other things consisted of a small operating system, written in asm and C. And of course I used VMWare for testing it. At one point I got this:
"The CPU has been disabled by the guest operating system. You will need to power off or reset the virtual machine at this point".
Of course, I haven’t done anything like that. I think at that moment I was working on the memory manager 😀 (which, btw, generated some other nice messages)how to disable CPUhow to disable CPUhow to disable CPUhow to disable CPU

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Possible Delphi 7 Bug [FUNNY]

Tuesday, June 12th, 2007

I was working on a project and my next task was to create a form for a RSS viewer I needed to do, and of course I named my unit RSSFrm and when I wanted to name my form RSSForm => exception “Cannot add files of this type to project”weirdweirdweirdweird

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